Okay, it's not like we needed the confirmation. For those of us who read mom blog Dooce on a regular basis know how incredibly talented Heather Armstrong is.
I didn't know that she's also raking in the cash. From a blog!
I'm excited when I have 40+ hits on my blog on a particular day. Check out some or her posts - she gets over 1,000 comments at times!!!
Here's a link to a Wall Street Journal story on her.
I ran in to tell David about it. THAT much money! For writing a BLOG! I might just be slightly jealous. Actually, I'm most jealous about her talent. And how she strikes a nerve with so many people.
Ah, well, a girl can dream...
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
She wants her planet back. Woolfy – “Shooting Stars” Funny how his voice in
this song made me think he was singing ratchet instead of rapture. I heard
2 years ago
I was reading a Yahoo article on how not to get fired for internet use. It mentioned her! Apparently "dooce-ing" is now slang for losing your job for the content of your blog.
Did you know that happened to her? I've read her blog some, but I never saw any reference to that.
Yeah, i think it's actually on her website about how she was fired. Maybe on the "about me" section. She's also referenced it in her blog on various occasions.
Nice to see you, btw! Hope you and your little ones are doign well!
I read Dooce's blog every day too!...and I asked myself the same questions how does she got there?...I will love to get pay $$$ just for bloging about myself and family! She makes big bucks from all the ads that she has on her blog...I can only dream!!!
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